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Enterprise: Text to 3D Endpoint


This endpoint generates an 3d object from a text prompt.


Make sure you add your s3 details for 3d server, so you can receive image generated in your bucket. Images generated without s3 details being added will be delete after 24hours


--request POST '' \

Make a POST request to endpoint and pass the required parameters as a request body.

Body Attributes

key (required)Your API Key used for request authorization.
model_id (optional, default="instantmesh")Specifies the model to be used for the 3D generation.
prompt (required, default="A full body mesh of a dog")Text prompt for generating the 3D model.
render (optional, default=false)Whether to render a NeRF video of the 3D model.
output_format (optional, glb,obj,stl,ply default=obj )The format of the output 3d object
negative_prompt (optional, default="")Negative prompt to exclude certain elements.
guidance_scale (optional, default=1)Controls the guidance between the prompt and the generated model.
num_inference_steps (required, default=10)The number of inference steps to generate the 3D model.
ss_guidance_strength (optional, float, default: 7.5)Controls the strength of style-space guidance.
ss_sampling_steps (optional, int, default: 12)Number of sampling steps for style-space guidance. Range: 1 to 50
slat_guidance_strength (optional, float, default: 3.0)Controls the strength of slat guidance. Range: 0.0 to 10.0
slat_sampling_steps (optional, int, default: 12)Number of sampling steps for slat guidance. Range: 1 to 50.
mesh_simplify (optional, float, default: 0.90)number of triangles to randomly skip render. Degree of mesh simplification. Range: 0.90 to 0.98.
foreground_ratio (required, default=0.85)Ratio of the foreground size to the image size. Only used when remove_bg is enabled.
remove_bg (optional, default=false)If true, removes the background from the generated 3D model.
resolution (required, default=256, max=512)Specifies the resolution of the generated 3D model.
chunk_size (optional, default=8192, max=12000)Size of chunks used in the process (affects VRAM usage).
seed (optional, default=0)Random seed for reproducibility. If set to 0, a random seed will be generated.
temp (optional, default="no")If set to "yes", the output files will be saved in a temporary directory.



"key": "",
"foreground_ratio": "0.85",
"prompt": "a ghost wearing white bedsheet",
"num_inference_steps": "30",
"resolution": 512,
"guidance_scale": "3",
"ss_sampling_steps": 50,
"slat_sampling_steps": 50,
"seed": 0,
"temp": "no",
"webhook": null,
"track_id": null


var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
"key": "",
"foreground_ratio": "0.85",
"prompt": "a ghost wearing white bedsheet",
"num_inference_steps": "30",
"resolution": 512,
"guidance_scale": "3",
"ss_sampling_steps": 50,
"slat_sampling_steps": 50,
"seed": 0,
"temp": "no",
"webhook": null,
"track_id": null

var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: myHeaders,
body: raw,
redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));


"status": "success",
"warning": "",
"id": null,
"generationTime": 20.85,
"output": [
"proxy_links": [
"nsfw_content_detected": false,
"webhook_status": "",
"meta": {
"chunk_size": 8192,
"file_prefix": "3dfadd74-05e3-40cc-969a-96196d239162",
"foreground_ratio": ".85",
"guidance_scale": 10,
"negative_prompt": "low quality",
"num_inference_steps": 10,
"prompt": "Image of a car",
"remove_bg": true,
"render": false,
"resolution": 256,
"seed": 1782676780,
"temp": "no"